Colleges & Universities

Event Management Course
  • A complete how-to-manual
  • An easy turnkey solution for educators
  • Chapters flow in a logical, easy-to-understand manner
  • Addresses all relevant topics of event planning: event themes, sponsors, marketing, publicity, talent, volunteers, merchandise, vendors/concessions and more
  • A real world perspective on event planning with keen insights, tips and tools
  • A true time saver with sample contracts, bids, letters, etc.
  • Endless take-aways for students to use in real life applications

A Go-To Manual Plus a Companion Resource Guide

With these two text books, your students will learn how to plan, implement, promote and manage events of all sizes. This essential handbook – “Secrets to Successful Events: How to Organize, Promote and Manage Exceptional Events and Festivals” – provides professors, instructors and teachers comprehensive steps on running a successful event in a logical progression.

“The Resource Guide” – a quick-start guide to hosting and promoting any event – is a companion text. It features sample letters, contracts and forms used in key areas: sponsorship, marketing, publicity, talent, volunteers, merchandise, vendors/concessions and more.

Lynn Fuhler has successfully organized festivals and events throughout her career. The former tourism director of Clearwater Beach, FL, she served as chairman of the all-volunteer Clearwater Jazz Holiday, then the largest free jazz festival in the Southeast U.S. Fuhler holds a transportation, travel and tourism degree from St. Louis University’s Parks College and her firm works extensively in marketing the hospitality, travel, tourism and outdoor recreation industries.

Available on Amazon – Print (both books) and Kindle.

Secrets to Successful Events:
How to Organize, Promote and Manage Exceptional Events and Festivals

Secrets to Successful Events Resource Guide:
42+ Easy-To-Use Forms and Tools to Save You Time and Money

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