Determining an Event’s Cash Flow

When your treasurer knows how to project cash flow, they create an invaluable tool to the event’s leadership, providing historical data is available and weather conditions remain similar.

Not all pre-sales (merchandise and tickets), concession fees, etc. generate enough funds to offset the expenses of entertainment, sound and lighting, concession tents, trailers, telecommunications equipment, security, etc.

An event with a positive track record typically leaves money in the bank account for the next event to use as start-up cash. This is not free money, but rather a loan to get things up and running.

Looking back at the previous year’s sales and timed deposits, a good accounting or numbers person can project at what hour the event will no longer be using funds from the “bank.” That hour is important as it indicates when the bank has been paid back and the event begins throwing off its own cash or revenue.

A good treasurer is priceless.

To learn more about event and festival management, check out “Secrets to Successful Events:  How to Organize, Promote and Manage Exceptional Events and Festivals.” For those with event planning experience, consider, “Secrets to Successful Events Resource Guide: 42+ Easy-to-Use Tools and Resources.” Both are written by internationally known author and speaker Lynn Fuhler and are available on Amazon and at major booksellers.

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