Events organizers, staff and volunteers want and need the ability to process credit card transactions securely, correctly and in a timely manner.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s someone standing at the Ticket Office looking to purchase tickets, a guest at a museum reception desk wanting admission tickets, or festival-goers waiting at the event to buy tee-shirts. Moving people through the sales process quickly and efficiently creates a positive experience. After all in many cases, your event experience begins with the ticket purchase.
While most ticket offices allow for manual entry of credit card data, errors can occur when volunteers are under pressure or worse yet under poor lighting conditions.
Typing in numbers on a normal day can be challenging for some. Factor in a makeshift office under a tent or at a folding table or adverse weather conditions and at each step, the chances of an error increases, perhaps at the same rate as your customer’s lack of patience.
With a USB credit card reader tied into your computer or iPad, event organizers can assign admin level access and rapidly improve the off-site sales process. Once connected staff or volunteers can efficiently swipe credit cards for tickets, registrations, donations, merchandise and add-on items, such as dinner or pre- and post-event activities, like a round of golf.
In addition to improving accuracy, reduce potential for credit card fraud. All it takes is a credit card reader and a connection between the your Ticket Office (computer or iPad or tablet).
To learn more about event and festival management, check out “Secrets to Successful Events: How to Organize, Promote and Manage Exceptional Events and Festivals.” For those with event planning experience, consider, “Secrets to Successful Events Resource Guide: 42+ Easy-to-Use Tools and Resources.” Both are written by internationally known author and speaker Lynn Fuhler and are available on Amazon and at major booksellers.