So what happens when the guy who is overseeing your event’s site (city park or venue), doesn’t make the time to meet with the volunteer coordinator and ask for assistance?
The worse case scenario is all the volunteer floaters are shifted to his needs, plus volunteers can potentially be pulled from other areas too. So in essence, committee members who took the time to assess their volunteer needs and meet with the volunteer coordinator are penalized for someone else not taking responsibility.
Volunteers may not necessarily be dressed properly for the physical needs of the job. Moving a nicely dressed person from the fully staffed VIP sponsor tent to work in the parking lot may make this person think twice before signing up next year.
So what happened to the event site committee chairman? He’s now “doing” versus “managing”. He was last seen dripping with sweat. Garbage bags were hanging out of his back pocket and he was headed toward the dumpster with a cart full of trash.